Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade - Essay Example The Europeans would transport manufactured commodities from Europe to Africa. These commodities included guns, metal items, cowrie shells, tobacco and clothes. Guns enhanced the expansion of empires and access of slaves from among Africans. European traders transported slaves to the Americas on ships across the Atlantic Ocean (Rawley and Stephen 35). Besides the initiatives that the Europeans took to get slaves, some Africans were more than willing to help in enslaving their fellow Africans. It was not hard for these Africans to do this because it was not their first time to deal with slaves. Even before the coming of the Europeans, there were Africans who had their own slaves.Also, some Africans had dealt in the slave trade with Islamic Arab merchants in North Africa from as early as 900. African traders would capture slaves, and transport them to seaports that were convenient for European traders (Lovejoy 23). If there were no people eligible for enslavement in their local communit ies, African traders would raid other communities. The Europeans then transported the slaves back to their homeland to work in their plantations. These activities are what made up the stages that made the Trans-Atlantic trade triangular. Notable occurrences marked the middle passage. The middle passage refers to the transport of slaves from Africa to America. It took the Europeans up to three months to get the slaves to the Americas. Slaves experienced many challenges all the way through the middle passage.... Besides the initiatives that the Europeans took to get slaves, some Africans were more than willing to help in enslaving their fellow Africans. It was not hard for these Africans to do this because it was not their first time to deal with slaves. Even before the coming of the Europeans, there were Africans who had their own slaves. Also, some Africans had dealt in the slave trade with Islamic Arab merchants in North Africa from as early as 900. African traders would capture slaves, and transport them to seaports that were convenient for European traders (Lovejoy 23). If there were no people eligible for enslavement in their local communities, African traders would raid other communities. The Europeans then transported the slaves back to their homeland to work in their plantations. These activities are what made up the stages that made the Trans-Atlantic trade triangular. Notable occurrences marked the middle passage. The middle passage refers to the transport of slaves from Africa to America. It took the Europeans up to three months to get the slaves to the Americas. Slaves experienced many challenges all the way through the middle passage. These challenges started with the slave ships carrying more slaves than their capacity could allow. Slaves were, therefore, congested in ships and had no choice but to live through immense fatigue and risk of contagious diseases. Many succumbed to diseases such as small pox and dysentery, and some captains would throw sick slaves into the ocean. Slaves endured the solar heat and the heat that came from their congestion. They put up with whipping, torture and abuse by the shipping crew. At some point, the slaves joined in resisting and revolting against mistreatment

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ancient Japan Reform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ancient Japan Reform - Essay Example However, the reforms had a far more reaching effect apart from strengthening the imperial family. They also created a good system. Although some people argue that these changes were ineffective, I think they rather led to the creation of a more efficient and refined system. As such, I will support this argument/stand from facts drawn from class reading and other sources. Ritsuryo is basically a historical system in japan founded on Chinese legalism and Confucianism philosophies (de Bary 22). RitsuryÃ… -sei is a term often used to refer to the system (political) in accordance to the Ritsuryo. Another significant term often used in this period or analysis is the kyaku, whuch refers to the Ritsuryo amendments whereas enactments were termed as shiki. Most of Japan’s reforms commenced during thhe Asuka period and extended into the nara period. The capital of japan was moved to Asuka in this period (538-710). Asuka was located on plains and it bordered nara. This period is mostly known and remembered for its vital social, political and artistic transformations. These transformations had their roots in the kofun era. The Yamato nation changed considerably during this era, adopting social and political systems from china. Their primary goal was to make the imperial family stronger and legitimate. Shotoku Taishi in 603 implemented a Confucian organization made up of 12 court ranks. Subsequently, he established the seventeen article constitution in 604, which explicitly highlighted the rights and duties of government ministers, people and the ruler. Taika reform preceded these transformations. The Taika reform took place between 645 to 649 and led to the creation of the Ritsuryo. The Ritsuryo was an organization and system comprised of fiscal, administrative and social institutions in japan commencing from the 7th to 10th century. During the Asuka era, Daoism and Buddhism were introduced into japan. Consequently, these religions eventually were syncretized with the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Origin Of Man Is The Subject Religion Essay

The Origin Of Man Is The Subject Religion Essay What is man?   asked David in his Psalms thousands of years ago.  It is striking that the relevance of this question has not decreased in the twentieth and twenty first centuries.  Whether a man is only an animal or, maybe, he is just a complex combination of chemical compounds, or, maybe, he is much more than all this, some great creation? The desire to know the history of mans origin is quite natural, as people have not always existed on the Earth.  That is why, the problem of Creation and understanding of human nature is central problem of people of all ages.  This question can be considered from different perspectives: from the standpoint of theology, religion, anthropology, philosophy and history. Views and ideas on the origins of humanity The origin of  man  is the subject of  speculation  since ancient times and  led to the emergence  of  various  myths in different people,  who believed that  the first humans  were created by gods from stones,  animals, etc.  The ancient  Greek thinkers  had different views on the origin of man:  some  believed that man  is eternal, second believed that he was born from marine  sediments.  With  the spread of  Christianity people  accepted the idea that  man was  created  and  inspired  by God. Many people believed  that a man  is  the most highly developed  animal,  the top of  the evolution of the animal  world, he  is mortal,  and  his  life  has no  higher  meaning.  Others believe  that  man  is not  the top,  but  only  a very  selfish  animal  who tends  to  pleasure and enjoyment. So, humans belong to the natural world, until the physical and chemical processes in their body depend on nature.   If we consider the philosophical approach, then we need first to say that in humans there is an element that is above the natural world.  There are different views on this, as, for example, Greek philosophers said this element was mind, and Aristotle proposed a definition of man as a rational animal.  (Stevenson 2004) But  most  important  is  the fact  of  human  consciousness that  elevates  him  above the natural world.  Ã‚  Human consciousness is ascension  of naturalism in the understanding of man, since he is not only a natural being, but also a spiritual being. (Wilson 2004) In the XVIII century, many thinkers (such as Lord Monboddo, Herder, Rousseau, Kant, etc.) suggested the evolution of man from the great apes in savages, and later in modern humans.  In a more clear way this idea was developed by Lamarck in the beginning of the XIX century in his Zoological Philosophy.   Later t theory  of development and evolution  in various  forms  has been  to explain  various scientists. Those who support this theory believe that man was not created by anyone, but occurred in the development of lower organisms.  For example, the French scientist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck said that some species of monkeys, under unfavorable conditions of existence, were to descend from the trees and acquired the habit of walking on two feet. Bipedalism led to strong changes of the body, and quadrumanous monkey turned into bipedal, who gradually settled around the Earth. Gradually in new species began to developed the consciousness (Bowler, 2003). The theory of evolution has become one of the most prevalent theories of human origins.  Ã‚  This theory was developed by Ch. Darwin, who introduced the history of development of the organic world of the Earth carried by the interaction of three main factors: variability, heredity and natural selection.  Evolutionary theory suggests that man evolved from apes, being changed under the influence of external factors and natural selection. The evolutionary theory of anthropogenesis is supported with a large number of facts paleontological, archaeological, biological, genetic, cultural, psychological, and others.  However, many of these proofs may be interpreted ambiguously, allowing opponents of evolutionary theory to challenge it. Biblical  Creation of  the world The Bible tells that a man was created in Gods will and in accordance with His plan (Gen.1: 26).  In the all-powerful Word of God was hidden a great creative force to create the world, and then a men.  When God created a man he said: Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in His own image, in  The Image Of God  created He him; male and female created He them. (Genesis 1:26-27 KJV) A man was created in a special act, and, unlike the animals, in the image of God, that means a man is intelligent, free, creative and moral personality. Like God, man is gifted with the following qualities: Creativity (Genesis 2:20); The mind and the ability to cognition (Genesis 2 :19-20, Col.1: 9; Rim.12: 2;); Willy (Luk.23: 25; 2Petr.1: 21); The ability to choose and evaluate (Genesis 2: 17; 13:11); The ability to love (Genesis 2: 24). ( McFarland 2009) A man  is the image  and  likeness of  God, is  a spiritual being,  rising  over  the natural  and  social  world,  and  able  to transform it and  dominate  over  it. In Genesis 2 we can  learn more about how  man and  woman were created  : And The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul And The Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him And The Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which The Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. (Genesis 2:7,18,21-23) That is,  the biblical  interpretation of  creation of man  is the most  common  that is primarily  due to  the important  role of  religion  in  peoples lives. Biblical  Creation  is very  important for  people, as it  defines the  essence of  man:  Man  is not  just  a body, and  he  was created  in  the image  of  God and for eternal  communion with  God.  This means  that  people are  moral  and  spiritual  creatures with  the ability  to trust,  to choose  to love, etc.  Creation  is the basis  for  our  worship  to God and  His  worship:  Let them praise the  name of the  Lord,  for he commanded, and they were created  (Psalm  148:5).  Thus,  worship  is a gratitude  to the Creator. ( McFarland 2009) At the present  time,  we can  hear  that the question  of creation of humanity is asked rather  strictly: either the  idea of Creation or  the theory of evolution.  However,  such a  statement  seems  incorrect, since  many modern  scholars  note  that the  idea  of Creation  of humanity by God,  the Creator, does not deny  the scientific theories. The religious world does not contradict the scientific, that can be proved by the fact that many prominent world scientists were deeply religious people: for example, Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Mikhail Lomonosov, Pavlov, Albert Einstein.  That is, the science also does not deny the idea of the Creation of humanity by God. Conclusion Each of the ideas, assumptions and theories about the origin of humanity has a right to exist and has its supporters.  Yet, the biblical Creation of the world and man is the most important for people, regardless of their scientific views.  The idea of mans creation by God is the basis of religion and faith of millions of people, the basis of their ideology and view on all the existence of humanity.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Sleepless and Irritable Essay -- Teenagers, Adolesence, Sleeping Habits

Many studies have been done on how many hours of sleep teens need and how lack of sleep can affect their lives. Sleep has an impact on teens and their concentration, their mood and the way they function doing things in day to day living. Studies show that teens should sleep 8 to 10 hours a night however; many are not getting the recommended amount of sleep to help them (The Science Of Sleep." 60 Minutes. Narr. Lesley Stahl. Prod. Shari Finkelstein. CBS. 16 Mar 2008). A lot of teenagers stay up late without realizing the consequences and how it can affect their lives. One of the biggest consequences of teens lack of sleep is when it comes to driving, being tired make teens less alert and is a main reason for teen accidents. (National Sleep Foundation. Detection and Prevention: Drowsy driving. Retrieved July 31, 2009). The 8 to 10 hours that are needed for proper function is very hard for teens to get because they have many tasks to keep up with from school, sports, part time jobs, friends to family life. Other activities that keep them occupied are texting, playing online games and internet addiction with sites such as Facebook. These things cause teenagers to stay up very late or they are kept awake the whole night trying to catch up with all the demands they couldn’t fit into their regular day. All this combined creates sleeping disorders in teens and causes health problems. Almost everyone knows in order to be healthy and fit sufficient sleep is required. Parents need to take care to watch over their teens and help them create a good sleep pattern it is proven that teens that have a good relationship with their parents have better sleeping habits. Parents think teens know how much sleep they need and will just go to sleep w... ...tant especially for a tee Works Cited "Insomnia - Sleep Disorders - Sleep Center." Stanford Hospital & Clinics - Stanford Medicine. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2013. NIH Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2013. "Sleep deprivation." Better Health Channel. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2013. "Sleep Hygiene  « Princeton University Health Services." Princeton University - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2013. The Science Of Sleep." 60 Minutes. Narr. Lesley Stahl. Prod. Shari Finkelstein. CBS. 16 Mar 2008. CBSNews. CBS Interactive. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. National Sleep Foundation. Detection and Prevention: Drowsy driving. Retrieved July 31, 2009. â€Å"Teens Who Feel Supported At Home And School Sleep Better† By Patti Neighmond. December 05, 2013 â€Å"TEEN SLEEP PROBLEMS LEAD TO DEPRESSION & DRUG ABUSE† By Byron J. Richards, CCN October 28, 2008

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Comparative Analysis of the Family Code and Code of Muslim Personal Laws on Marriage, Legal Separation and Islamic Divorce in the Philippines

Comparative Analysis of the Family Code and Code of Muslim Personal Laws on Marriage, Legal Separation and Islamic Divorce in the Philippines Andres C. Soguilon Juris Doctor-1 UNIVERSITY OF CEBU COLLEGE OF LAW Comparative Analysis of the Family Code and Code of Muslim Personal Laws on Marriage, Legal Separation and Islamic Divorce in the Philippines Abstract This paper is a comparison between the laws governing the Muslim marriage and Divorce through Presidential Decree No. 1083, otherwise known as the Code of Muslim Personal Laws and marriage and legal separation under the Family Code.It also compares the rights and obligations of spouses between the two codes. It analyzes the similarities and differences of the provisions on the requisites in contracting marriages between the two laws and the effects of legal separation as far as the Family Code is concern and the same with Islamic divorce as provided by law. Introduction The 1987 Philippine Constitution, in Article XV, Section 2, states that â€Å"Marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is the foundation of the family and shall be protected by the State. The same constitution admits that â€Å"no law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof†1 and it respects the protection and conservation by the State of the customs, traditions, practices and beliefs of the Filipinos. Presidential Decree 1083 also known as the Code of Muslim Personal Laws took effect on February 14, 1977 and the governing constitution then was the 1973 Constitution. According to Andres H. Hagad in his work â€Å"Comments on the Muslim Code: A Paper on PD. No. 038†, the code refers to Article XV, section 11 of the 1973 Constitution as the legal basis for its existence which states that â€Å"the State shall consider the customs, traditions, beliefs and interests of national cultural communities in the formulation and implementation of State policies. †2 1 2 T he 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article III, Section 5 Andres H. Hagad, Comments on the Muslim Code: A Paper on P. D. No. 1083, Philippine Law Journal [1977] Vol. 52 Andres C. Soguilon JD-1 Page 2 Comparative Analysis of the Family Code and Code of Muslim Personal Laws on Marriage, Legal Separation and Islamic Divorce in the Philippines RationaleThe Constitution, the laws and even Supreme Court’s decisions pertaining to issues involving marriage have been reflective of how the State wanted to protect the sanctity and value of marriage in the Philippines. The law even so provides that it shall not be governed by stipulations but by the Government and the latter must intervene in order to protect it. In line with this, the researcher seeks to be enlightened of the similarities and difference of marriages contracted in accordance with the Family Code in comparison to those contracted by Muslims provided by the Code of Muslim Personal Laws.Both codes give right to spouses to sep arate from each other on certain grounds, hence, comparison of the two would likely pave way to the idea of adopting one not only to protect the sanctity of marriage per se but also not to prejudice the constitutional and human rights of the parties involved. The Family Code and the Code of Muslim Personal Laws 1. What is Marriage? The Family Code of the Philippines defines marriage as a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman entered into in accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and family life.It is the foundation of the family and an inviolable social institution whose nature, consequences, and incidents are governed by law and not subject to stipulation, except that marriage settlements may fix the property relations during the marriage within the limits provided by the said code. 3 On the other hand, the Code of Muslim Personal Laws definesmarriage as not only a civil contract but a social institution. Its nature, consequences and incidents are governed by this Code and the Shari'a and not subject to stipulation, except that 3 Familly Code of the Philippines, Article I Andres C.Soguilon JD-1 Page 3 Comparative Analysis of the Family Code and Code of Muslim Personal Laws on Marriage, Legal Separation and Islamic Divorce in the Philippines the marriage settlements may to a certain extent fix the property relations of the spouses. The two laws have a definition of marriage which is more or less akin to each other. 4 2. Requisites of Marriage Family Code of the Philippines Code of Muslim Personal Laws Art. 2. No marriage shall be valid, unless these essential requisites are present: 1. Legal capacity of the contracting parties who must be a male and a female; and 2.Consent freely given in the presence of the solemnizing officer Art. 15. Essential requisites. No marriage shall be perfected unless the following essential requisites are complied with: (a) Legal capacity of the contracting parties; (b) Mutual consent of the p arties freely given; (c) Offer (ijab) and acceptance (qabul) duly witnessed by at least two competent persons after the proper guardian in marriage (wali) has given his consent; and (d) Stipulation of customary dower (mahr) duly witnessed by two competent persons. Art. 3. The formal requisites of marriage are: 1. Authority of the solemnizing officer; 2.A valid marriage license except in the cases provided for in Chapter 2 of this Title; and 3. A marriage ceremony which takes place with the appearance of the contracting parties before the solemnizing officers and their personal Art. 16. Capacity to contract marriage. declaration that they take each other (1) Any Muslim male at least fifteen years as husband and wife in the presence of of age and any Muslim female of the not less than two witnesses of legal age puberty or upwards and not age. suffering from any impediment under the provisions of this Code may contract marriage.A female is presumed to have attained puberty upon reachin g the age of fifteen. (2) However, the Shari’a District Court may, upon petition of a proper wali, order the solemnization of the marriage of a female who though less than fifteen but not below twelve years of age, has attained puberty. (3) Marriage through a waliby a minor below the prescribed ages shall be regarded as betrothal and may be annulled upon the petition of either party within four years after attaining the age of puberty, provided no 4 Code of Muslim Personal Laws, Chapter II, Section I, Article 14 Andres C. Soguilon JD-1 Page 4Comparative Analysis of the Family Code and Code of Muslim Personal Laws on Marriage, Legal Separation and Islamic Divorce in the Philippines voluntary cohabitation has taken place and the wali who contracted the marriage was other than the father or paternal grandfather. Apparently, the Code of Muslim Personal Laws has more requirements for contracting parties to comply before they can enter into marriage. Under the Family Code, the cont racting must be at least eighteen years of age, in such case when one of the parties is below eighteen the marriage will be void which will be discussed below. On the other hand, Code of Muslim of Personal laws, the male must be at least fifteen years of age and the female must be of the age of puberty with the presumption provided in the Code that females attain their puberty at the age of fifteen. Also, the female must not be below twelve years of age, in such case the marriage may be annullable. 3. Void and Voidable Marriages under Family Code and Prohibited Marriages under Code of Muslim Personal Laws Family Code of the Philippines Art. 35.The following marriages shall be void from the beginning: (1) Those contracted by any party below eighteen years of age even with the consent of parents or guardians; (2) Those solemnized by any person not legally authorized to perform marriages unless such marriages were contracted with either or both parties believing in good faith that the solemnizing officer had the legal authority to do so; (3) Those solemnized without a license, except those covered by the preceding Chapter; Code of Muslim Personal Laws Section 2.Prohibited Marriages Article 23. Bases of prohibition. No marriage may be contracted by parties within the prohibited degrees: (a) Of consanguinity; (b) Of affinity; and (c) Of fosterage. Article 24. Prohibition by consanguinity (tahrimjbin-nasab). No marriage shall be contracted between: (a) Ascendants and descendants of any degree; 5 Family Code of the Philippines [1988], Art. 3 (1) Andres C. Soguilon JD-1 Page 5Comparative Analysis of the Family Code and Code of Muslim Personal Laws on Marriage, Legal Separation and Islamic Divorce in the Philippines (4) Those bigamous or polygamous marriages not falling under Article 41; (5) Those contracted through mistake of one contracting party as to the identity of the other; and (6) Those subsequent marriages that are void under Article 53. Art. 36. A marriage co ntracted by any party who, at the time of the celebration, was psychologically incapacitated to comply with the essential marital obligations of marriage, shall likewise be void even if such incapacity becomes manifest only after its solemnization.Art. 37. Marriages between the following are incestuous and void from the beginning, whether the relationship between the parties be legitimate or illegitimate: (1) Between ascendants and descendants of any degree; and (2) Between brothers and sisters, whether of the full or half-blood. Art. 38. The following marriages shall be void from the beginning for reasons of public policy: (1) Between collateral blood relatives, whether legitimate or illegitimate, up o the fourth civil degree; (2) Between step-parents and stepchildren; (3) Between parents-in-law and childrenin-law; (4) Between the adopting parent and the adopted child; (5) Between the surviving spouse of the adopting parent and the adopted child; (6) Between the surviving spouse of the adopted child and the adopter; Andres C. Soguilon JD-1 (b) Brothers and sisters, whether germane, consanguine or uterine; and (c) Brothers or sisters and their descendants within the third civil degree. Article 25. Prohibition by affinity (tahrim-billmusahara). 1) No marriage shall be contracted between: (a) Any of the spouses and their respective affinal relatives in the ascending line and in the collateral line within the third degree; (b) Stepfather and stepdaughter when the marriage between the former and the mother of the latter has been consummated; (c) Stepmother and stepson when the marriage between the former and the father of the latter has been consummated; and (d) Stepson or stepdaughter and the widow, widower or divorcee of their respective ascendants. 2) The prohibition under this article applies even after the dissolution of the marriage creating the affinal relationship. Article 26. Prohibition due to fosterage (tahrim-bir-rada'a). (1) No person may validly cont ract marriage with any woman who breastfed him for at least five times within two years after his birth. (2) The prohibition on marriage by reason of consanguinity shall likewise apply to persons related by fosterage within the same degrees, subject to exception recognized by Muslim law. Section 4.Batil and Fasi Marriages Article 31. Batil marriages. The following marriages shall be void (batil) from the beginning: Page 6 Comparative Analysis of the Family Code and Code of Muslim Personal Laws on Marriage, Legal Separation and Islamic Divorce in the Philippines (7) Between an adopted child and a legitimate child of the adopter; (8) Between adopted children of the same adopter; and (9) Between parties where one, with the intention to marry the other, killed that other person’s spouse, or his or her own spouse.Art. 41. A marriage contracted by any person during the subsistence of a previous marriage shall be null and void unless before the celebration of the subsequent marriage , the prior spouse had been absent for four consecutive years and the spouse present had a well-founded belief that the absent spouse was already dead. In case of disappearance where there is danger of death under the circumstances set forth in the provisions of Article 391 of the Civil Code, and absence of only two years shall be sufficient. xx Art. 53. Either of the former spouses may marry again after complying with the requirements of the immediately preceding Article; otherwise, the subsequent marriage shall be null and void. (a) Those contracted contrary to Articles 23, 24, 25 and 26; (b) Those contracted in contravention of the prohibition against unlawful conjunction; and (c) Those contracted by parties one or both of whom have been found guilty of having killed the spouse of either of them. Article 32. Fasid marriages.The following marriages shall be irregular (fasid) from their performance: (a) Those contracted with a female observing ‘idda; (b) Those contracted cont rary to Article 30; (c) Those wherein the consent of either party is vitiated by violence, intimidation, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; (d) Those contracted by a party in a condition of death-illness (marad-ul-mault) without the same being consummated; (e) Those contracted by a party in a state of ihram; and (f) Mixed marriages not allowed under Islamic law.The Family Code provides for marriages that are void and voidable due to the fact that these marriages are contracted with either the absence of both essential and formal requisites and defect or irregularity in the essential or formal requisites. The Code of Muslim Personal Laws, on the other hand provides for several instances where a marriage is prohibited, void and irregular. Andres C. Soguilon JD-1 Page 7Comparative Analysis of the Family Code and Code of Muslim Personal Laws on Marriage, Legal Separation and Islamic Divorce in the Philippines 4. Legal Separation and Divorce Family Code of the Philippines Art. 55. A pet ition for legal separation may be filed on any of the following grounds: (1) Repeated physical violence or grossly abusive conduct directed against the petitioner, a common child, or a child of the petitioner; (2) Physical violence or moral pressure to compel the petitioner to change religious or olitical affiliation; (3) Attempt of respondent to corrupt or induce the petitioner, a common child, or a child of the petitioner, to engage in prostitution, or connivance in such corruption or inducement; (4) Final judgment sentencing the respondent to imprisonment or more than six years, even if pardoned; (5) Drug addiction or habitual alcoholism of the respondent; (6) Lesbianism or homosexuality of the respondent; (7) Contracting by the respondent of a subsequent bigamous marriage, whether in the Philippines or abroad; bigamous marriage, whether in the Philippines or abroad; (8) Sexual infidelity or perversion; (9) Attempt by the respondent against the life of the petitioner; or (10) Aba ndonment of petitioner by respondent without justifiable cause for more than one year. Code of Muslim Personal Laws Chapter Three DIVORCE (TALAQ) Section 1. Nature and Form Article 45. Definition and forms. Divorce is the formal dissolution of the marriage bond in accordance with this Code to be granted only after the exhaustion of all possible means of reconciliation between the spouses.It may be effected by: (a) Repudiation of the wife by the husband (talaq); (b) Vow of continence by the husband (ila); (c) Injurious assanilation of the wife by the husband (zihar); (d) Acts of imprecation (li'an); (e) Redemption by the wife (khul'); (f) Exercise by the wife of the delegated right to repudiate (tafwld); or (g) Judicial decree (faskh). Andres C. Soguilon JD-1 Page 8 Comparative Analysis of the Family Code and Code of Muslim Personal Laws on Marriage, Legal Separation and Islamic Divorce in the Philippines There is a big difference between legal separation and divorce because the form er only covers separation of bed and board while the latter is an absolute separation. Any divorce proceeding undertaken before the Shari’a Court is valid, recognized, binding and sufficient divorce proceedings. 6 Article 13 of PD No. 1083 does not provide for a situation where the parties were married both in civil and Muslim rites.Consequently, the shari’a courts are not vested with original and exclusive jurisdiction when it comes to marriages celebrated under both civil and Muslim laws. 7 Specifically, divorce in Islam is classified into different types in relation to the grounds that may be used by either the husband or the wife in separating from each other. A divorce by talaq may be affected by the husband in a single repudiation of his wife during her nonmenstrual period within which he has totally abstained from carnal relation with her. 8 A wife in a Muslim marriage may be granted a decree of divorce where her husband makes a vow to abstain from any carnal re lations with his wife and keeps such for a period of not less than four (4) months. Another is the divorce by zihar, where a husband has injuriously assimilated his wife to any of his relatives within the prohibited degrees of marriage, in such case they shall mutually refrain from having carnal relation until he shall have performed the prescribed expiation. 10 Where the husband accuses his wife of adultery, a decree of perpetual divorce may be granted by the court. 11 The wife could also, after having offered to return or renounce her dower or to pay any other lawful consideration for her release from the marriage bond, petition the court for divorce. 12 If the husband has delegated to the wife the right to effect a talaq at the time of the celebration of the marriage or thereafter, she may repudiate the marriage and the 6 7 Zamoranos v. People [2011] G. R. No. 193902 Tamano v. Ortiz [1998] G. R. No. 26603 8 P. D. No. 1083 [1977], Article 46 (1) 9 Ibid, Article 47 10 Ibid, Article 48 11 Ibid, Article 49 12 Ibid, Article 50 Andres C. Soguilon JD-1 Page 9 Comparative Analysis of the Family Code and Code of Muslim Personal Laws on Marriage, Legal Separation and Islamic Divorce in the Philippines repudiation would have the same effect as if it were pronounced by the husband himself. 13 Lastly, the wife may petition a decree of divorce by faskh (judicial decree) subject to some grounds. A decree of faskh on the ground of unusual cruelty may be granted by the court upon petition of the wife. 14 Muslim spouses, because of divorce granted by P. D. No. 083 for Islamic marriages have many ways in order to separate themselves from each other. Grounds for divorce decree are even classified as to whom it may apply, either to the wife or the husband taking into account the different situations that they may experience in their married life. On the other hand, the Family Code also provides spouses to separate from each other but only limited, however legitimate the grounds are. The grounds for legal separation provided by the Family Code are more specific and relatively of the same weight with the grounds for divorce provided by P. D. No. 1083. However, the Family Code does not at all give the spouses the right to be divorced. 5.Effects of Legal Separation and Divorce Family Code of the Philippines Art. 63. The decree of legal separation shall have the following effects: (1) The spouses shall be entitled to live separately from each other, but the marriage bonds shall not be severed; (2) The absolute community or the conjugal partnership shall be dissolved and liquidated but the offending spouse shall have no right to any share of the net profits earned by the absolute community or the conjugal partnership, which shall be forfeited in accordance with the provisions of Article 43(2); (3) The custody of the minor children shall 13 14 Code of Muslim Personal Laws Article 54. Effects of irrevocable talaq or faskh.A talaq or faskh, as soon as it becomes i rrevocable, shall have the following effects: (a) The marriage bond shall be severed and the spouses may contract another marriage in accordance with this Code; (b) The spouses shall lose their mutual rights of inheritance; (c) The custody of children shall be determined in accordance with Article 78 of this code; (d) The wife shall be entitled to recover from the husband her whole dower in case the talaq Ibid, Article 51 See Article 52-53 of P. D. No. 1083 [1977] Andres C. Soguilon JD-1 Page 10 Comparative Analysis of the Family Code and Code of Muslim Personal Laws on Marriage, Legal Separation and Islamic Divorce in the Philippines be awarded to the innocent spouse, subject to the provisions of Article 213 of this Code; and (4) The offending spouse shall be disqualified from inheriting from the innocent spouse shall be revoked by operation of law. as been affected after the consummation of the marriage, or one-half thereof if effected before its consummation; (e) The husband shal l not be discharged from his obligation to give support in accordance with Article 67; and (f) The conjugal partnership, if stipulated in the marriage settlements, shall be dissolved and liquidated. The huge difference between the two Codes with regard to the effects of either legal separation or divorce is that in legal separation, the spouse are only entitled to live separately from each other and their marriage bonds shall not be severed while in Islamic divorce, marriage bonds between divorced parties shall be severed and they are entitled to contract a subsequent marriage provided they comply with the requisites to enter into another marriage. The Family does not provide that legally separated spouses can enter into another marriage.In the Family Code, the offending spouse shall not have any right to any share of the net profits earned by the absolute community or the conjugal partnership while in P. D No. 1083, the spouses shall lose their mutual rights of inheritance. As to t he custody of the children, the Family Code provides that the innocent shall be granted custody subject to conditions, while in P. D. No. 1083; custody shall be determined by Article 78 of the same code. 15 Similarly PD No. 1083 is clear that where the parents are not divorced or legally separated, the father and mother shall jointly exercise just and reasonable parental authority and fulfill their responsibility over 15 Article 78 of P.D. No. 1083 otherwise known as Code of Muslim Personal laws states that (1) the care and custody of children below seven years of age whose parents are divorced shall belong to the mother or, in her absence, to the maternal grandmother, the paternal grandmother, the sister and aunts. In their default, it shall devolve upon the father and the nearest paternal relatives. The minor above seven years of age but below the age of puberty may choose the parent with whom he wants to stay. (2) The unmarried daughter who has reached the age of puberty shall st ay with the father; the son, under the same circumstances, shall stay with the mother. Andres C.Soguilon JD-1 Page 11 Comparative Analysis of the Family Code and Code of Muslim Personal Laws on Marriage, Legal Separation and Islamic Divorce in the Philippines their legitimate children. 16 However, in a case where the mother was originally a Catholic woman and when she separated from her Muslim husband, converted back into Catholicism: â€Å"The standard in the determination of sufficiency of proof, however, is not restricted to Muslim laws. The Family Code shall be taken into consideration in deciding whether a non-Muslim woman is incompetent. What determines her capacity is the standard laid down by the Family Code now that she is not a Muslim. †17 6.The Family Code, the Code of Muslim Personal Laws and the Constitution The Constitution defines marriage, as an inviolable social institution, the foundation of the family and shall be protected by the State. 18 The State shall defend the right of spouses to found a family in accordance with their religious convictions and the demands of responsible parenthood. 19 Some scholars especially from the Catholic Church are against divorce because not only does it contravene the teachings of the Bible but according to them it is also against the Constitution which mandates the State to protect marriage as an inviolable social institution. The author would like to believe that Muslim divorce is deemed to be a kind of divorce equivalent to an absolute abrogation of marriage.However, Muslim divorce is protected by the enactment of P. D No. 1083 which granted full autonomy and authority to Muslim’s customs and traditions the marriage relations between Muslims. The 1973 Constitution which is in effect when the Code of Muslim Personal Laws was enacted provides that â€Å"the State shall consider the customs, traditions, beliefs and interests of national cultural communities in the formulation and implementation of State policies. It is the author’s opinion that there is already a conflict between the two provisions arising from the enactment of P. D. No. 1083. However, it is doubtful 16 Bondagjy v Bondagjy, [2001], G. R. No. 140817 17 18Ibid The 1987 Philippine Constitution [1986], Article XV, Section 2 19 Ibid, Section 3 Andres C. Soguilon JD-1 Page 12 Comparative Analysis of the Family Code and Code of Muslim Personal Laws on Marriage, Legal Separation and Islamic Divorce in the Philippines if the question of constitutionality can be raised, considering the provision of Article XVII, section 3(2) of the same Constitution, which reads: â€Å"All†¦decrees.. promulgated, issued, or done by the incumbent President shall be part of the law of the land, and shall remain valid, binding and effective even after the lifting of martial law†20 20 Andres H. Hagad, Comments on the Muslim Code: A Paper on P. D. No. 083, Philippine Law Journal [1977] Vol. 52 Andres C. Soguilon JD-1 Page 13 Comparative Analysis of the Family Code and Code of Muslim Personal Laws on Marriage, Legal Separation and Islamic Divorce in the Philippines References: Articles: Andres H. Hagad, Comments on the Muslim Code: A Paper on P. D. No. 1083, Philippine Law Journal [1977] Vol. 52 Cases: Bondagjy v Bondagjy, December 7, 2001, G. R. No. 140817 Tamano v Ortiz, June 29, 1998, G. R. No. 126603 Zamoranos v People, G. R. No. 193902, June 1, 2011 Laws: The 1987 Philippine Constitution [1986] Presidential Decree No. 1083 [1977] The Family Code of the Philippines [1988] Andres C. Soguilon JD-1 Page 14

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd

BEXIMCO PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY LTD Here is the management report, which you asked me to prepare.. In the process of formulating this project report I selected a PHARMACEUTICAL company,â€Å"BEXIMCO PHARMACEUTICALS† which produces world class live saving medicines in our country. I gained knowledge about managing the product & the structure from online articles and reports.Along with it, I employed the management concepts developed throughout the course to construct an effective management project to demonstrate the mentioned firm’s entire management strategies in Bangladesh. This plan is formulated with the idea of managing the all managerial activities of a large firm like BEXIMCO PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED. A special note of acknowledgement is to our course instructor Mr Shahid Hossain for letting me do this project on Beximco Pharmaceuticals .He was very generous and productive toward mewhile conducting the course and he was the person who has guided methroughout prepar ing the report. The way he taught was really interesting and effective. All of these activities have been conducted within a very short time and we think it became possible only for  his dynamism. Taking the course with him was a great fortune for me. Finally, I would like to thank myr family and friends whose support I needed to complete my project. TABLE OF CONTENTSCONTENTS PAGE NO Mission Statement 1 Executive Summary 2-3 Organogram 4 Organizational Chart 5 Situation Analysis 6-16 Swot Analysis 17-20 Matrix of Swot Analysis 21 Objectives 22 Management Issues 23 Conclusion 24 Appendix 25 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Company Website : http://www. beximcopharmaceuticals. com 2. Books : Kotler Philip (2010), Principles of Marketing (12th edition). Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA. * Kritner Robert (2009). Management (11th edition). Houghton Mifflin Harcount Publishing Company. (Boston – New York). * H. Donelly (2008), Fundamental Management (10th edition). Mcgraw, Hill Irwin * William J. Nickels (2009) Understanding Business (9th edition) Mcgraw, Hill Irwin. 3. Newspaper * The Ittefaq * The Independent. * Finanacial Express 4. Personal Interview Mr. Hashem Awal Chowdhury, Senior Executive Officer,Planning 5. ANNUAL REPORT OF BPL 2011 Ltd, BPL Annual Report 2011 6. Advertisement Shantinagar billboard DOHS, Mohakhali billboard 7. Magazines Indian Times Magazine MISSION STATEMENTBeximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd (BPL) is a leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical formulations and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) in Bangladesh. With decades of contract manufacturing experience with global MNCs, skilled manpower and proven formulation capabilities, the company has been building a visible and growing presence across the continents offering high quality generics at the most affordable cost. The company is committed to enhancing human health and well- being by providing contemporary and affordable medicines, manufactured in full compliance with global standards. The compan y continually strive to improve their core capabilities Strengthening research and development capabilities, creating partnerships and building presence across the globe.To address the unmet medical needs of patients and to deliver outstanding results for our shareholders. Our vision is to be one of the most trusted, admired and successful pharmaceutical companies in the region with a focus on. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. belongs to Beximco Group, the largest private sector business conglomerate in Bangladesh. It was incorporated in the late 70s, Beximco Pharma began as a distributor, importing products from global MNCs like Bayer, Germany and Upjohn Inc. , USA and selling them in the local market, which were later manufactured and distributed under licensing arrangements. The Company introduced its own branded generic products in 1983.Since then, the journey continued, and today, Beximco Pharma is a leading manufacturer and exporter of pharmaceuticals in the coun try, winning National Export Trophy (Gold), a record four times. Beximco Pharma’s manufacturing facilities have been accredited by major Global regulatory bodies and it has expanded its geographic footprint across four continents. Having a broad portfolio of more than 500 products and a dedicated team of around 2,700 employees, Beximco Pharma is committed to provide access to medicines which are affordable and manufactured in strict compliance with global standards. During the year 2011 we have successfully registered 48 products in overseas markets.In 2011, we introduced 40 new generics in 55 presentations, five of which were launched for the first time in Bangladesh. The 55 new products include the sectors given below: * Analgesic * Anti-effective * Cardiovascular * CNS * Endocrine & Met Disorders * GI System * IV Fluid * Muscular Skeletal * Ophthalmic * Respiratory * Skin * Vitamins and Minerals * Others We maintained our record of uninterrupted growth, achieving a 21. 6% increase in sales to Tk. 7,890. 24 million (2010: Tk. 6,490. 85 million). In 2011 we significantly enhanced our prescription share in sales of the formulation products and maintained, as expected, growth in all our key therapeutic segments. Sales of our Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) also recorded a significant 37. % growth to reach Tk. 486. 91 million (2010: Tk. 355. 24 million). However, its impact on the overall profitability of the company is currently low because of a low gross margin predominantly due to the high cost of import of intermediate materials to manufacture these APIs. In 2011 export sales grew by 18. 1% to Tk. 390. 32 million (2010: Tk. 330. 54 million). Along with sales growth, Beximco Pharma also achieved a marked growth in profit in 2011. Our pre-tax profit increased 23. 2% to Tk. 1,677. 85 million (2010: Tk. 1,361. 53 million). Gross margin as percentage of sales however, slightly declined to 48% as against 48. 9% for the prior period.As the company c ontinue to evolve into a stronger company, their strategy for growth is to build a strong and diverse product portfolio; to expand our geographic reach; and to develop and leverage our generic drug capabilities. All these will drive them to build a future for our employees, to create value for shareholders and to focus on the reason for being in this business – to enhance the health and wellbeing of people. They are confident that their Company will continue to deliver strong financial results and achieve sustained growth in the coming days. Organogram Organisational Chart * Member’s name| * Designation| BOARD of DIRECTORS| |A S F Rahman| Chairman| Salman F Rahman | Vice Chairman| Nazmul Hassan MP| MD| Iqbal Ahmed| Director| Md. Abul Qasem| Director| Osman Kaiser Chowdhury| Director| A B Siddiqur Rahman| Director| Ad. Ahsanul Karim| Director| Dr. Abdul Alam Khan| Independent Director| | | Management Committee| | Nazmul Hassan MP| MD| Osman Kaiser Chowdhury| Director| R abbur Reza| Chief Operating officer| Ali Newaz| Chief financial officer| Afsar uddin Ahmed| Director, commercial| Lutfur Rahman| Director, manufacturing| Zakaria Seraj Chowdhury| Director, international marketing| A R M Zahidur Rahman| Executive Director, production| Shamim Momtaz| Executive Director, manufacturing| Md.Tahir Siddiqui| Executive Director, Quality| Jamal Ahmed Chowdhury| Executive Director, Finance and Accounting| | | Executive Committee| | Osman Kaiser Chowdhury| Director| Nazmul Hassan MP| MD| Rabbur Reza| Chief Operating officer| Ali Nawaz| Chief financial officer| Afsar Uddin Ahmed| Director, commercial| SITUATION ANALYSIS Situation analysis is a method managers use to analyze both the internal and external environments of an organization in order to understand the firm’s own capabilities, customers and business environment. INTERNAL FACTORS: Refers to the environment inside the organization within which a manager works. LEVELS OF MANAGEMENT: Strategic leve l:The Board of Directors A S F Rahman Chairman Salman F Rahman Vice Chairman Nazmul Hassan MP Managing Director Iqbal Ahme Director Mohammad Abul Qasem Director Osman Kaiser Chowdhury Director Abu Bakar Siddiqur Rahman Director Advocate Ahsanul Karim Director Dr. Abdul Alim Khan Independent Director The strategic level must make sure the technical level operates within the bounds of the society.Thus the strategic level determines the long range objectives and directions for the organization- in other words, how the organization interacts with its environment. (Textbook) Technical level: Middle floor managers, Branch Managers, Factory Managers work like a connector and works in the middle. At this level, the managerial task is twofold: 1. Managing the operations functions. 1. Serving as a liaison between those who produce the product or service and those who use output. In other words, for the operations level to do its work, managers at the technical level must make sure they have t he correct materials and see that the output gets used or sold. (Textbook) Operational level:Rabbur Reza Chief Operating Officer Ali Nawaz Chief Financial Officer Afsar Uddin Ahmed Director, Commercial Lutfur Rahman Director, Manufacturing Zakaria Seraj Chowdhury Director, International Marketing A R M Zahidur Rahman Executive Director, Production Shamim Momtaz Executive Director, Manufacturing Mohd. Tahir Siddique Executive Director, Quality Jamal Ahmed Choudhury Executive Director, Accounts & Finance. In any organisations, the operations level focuses on effectively performing whatever the organization produces or does.In Beximco pharmaceuticals, the operations fuction is at the core of their business. The managerial task here is to develop the best allocation of resources that produces the desired output. (Textbook). Research & development R&D is the key to success for any pharmaceutical company. We have given it top priority and have made substantial investment in upgrading our generic drug capabilities as we firmly believe R&D plays the most important role in spurring innovation and helps a company go up the value chain. Our research and development activities are closely focused on market needs and driven by technological progress in order to create product differentiation.Our team comprising top class formulation scientists with extensive experience of working in leading pharmaceutical companies in the world continuously strives to integrate the advanced technological changes to create competitive edge and match international standards. There has been a series of positive developments in the year and our team successfully introduced 40 new generic formulations in 55 different presentations and expanded our dosage delivery portfolio with technology driven products like prefilled syringes, total parenteral nutrition, dry powder inhalers, etc. Beximco Pharma’s well defined organizational structure, policy guidelines and internal controls ensure effi ciency of operations, and compliance with applicable regulations. The Company continuously upgrades these systems in line with the best practices in the industry.Other initiatives to keep our team updated with the recent advances in analytical methodology, platform technology, and regulatory affairs include frequent in-house and overseas workshops and training programs. The benefits we derive as a result of these initiatives will only increase in the coming years. Beximco Pharma’s R&D team works meticulously towards creating generic formulations that are comparable to innovators’ formulations. Their dedication can be witnessed in their successful development of challenging formulations such as multi-layer tablets, sustained release formulations, dispersible tablets, melt-in mouth tablets, and chewable vitamins; to name just a few.To add to that, Beximco Pharma was the pioneering local generic company to produce anti-retroviral drugs and to proactively launch CFC œfree metered dose inhaler formulation. In addition, we are also developing a number of APIs to ensure availability of raw materials across the range of therapeutic classes. Our capability to produce hi-tech, specialized niche products as well as drug delivery systems has been our core strength to transform BPL into an innovation-driven generic drug company. Human Resource We recognize it is our people’s unwavering values that molded us into who we are today. It is their tireless contributions that have propelled us to greater heights over the years. They are indeed our greatest assets in the way they create meaningful difference.Every product, every experience, and every breakthrough we ever presented for the betterment of human health and well-being have been made possible by our people. We are prouder than ever of the collective intentions and determination we have witnessed time and time again. The shared vision and values, reflected in our leadership and execution, help us attract the very best. Currently, the Company employs almost 2,700 people including around 400 white-collar professionals such as Pharmacists, MBAs, Doctors, Chemists, Engineers, Microbiologists etc. In 2011, we welcomed into the Beximco Pharma family highly experienced expatriates in key positions to deliver a fresh take on strategic direction as we steadily progress towards our aspirations of becoming a global pharmaceutical company.We are strong advocates of the notion that learning never really ends simply with the completion of formal education. One of the best perks of being a part of the Beximco Pharma family is that the people undergo continuous training and development programs to further develop their skills. In 2011 alone, over 30 such workshops and training, covering various departments, were conducted. Within Beximco Pharma, we support employees interested in reaching out to others. In 2011, we launched our very own internal Knowledge Center as a platform for continu ous learning and interconnectivity; an initiative that is stills quite a novel concept in Bangladesh.However, we know that competence alone is not enough; it is them intricate threads of connectivity, binding us as one family, which makes our organizational culture truly coveted and one of a kind. We have also undertaken a major corporate branding initiative as a reflection of our rejuvenated drive and aspirations. Financial Position We maintained our record of uninterrupted growth, achieving a 21. 6% increase in sales to Tk. 7,890. 24 million (2010: Tk. 6,490. 85 million). In 2011 we significantly enhanced our prescription share in sales of the formulation products and maintained, as expected, growth in all our key therapeutic segments. Sales of our Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) also recorded a significant 37. % growth to reach Tk. 486. 91 million (2010: Tk. 355. 24 million). However, its impact on the overall profitability of the company is currently low because of a lo w gross margin predominantly due to the high cost of import of intermediate materials to manufacture these APIs. In 2011 export sales grew by 18. 1% to Tk. 390. 32 million (2010: Tk. 330. 54 million). Along with sales growth, Beximco Pharma also achieved a marked growth in profit in 2011. Our pre-tax profit increased 23. 2% to Tk. 1,677. 85 million (2010: Tk. 1,361. 53 million). Gross margin as percentage of sales however, slightly declined to 48% as against 48. 9% for the prior period.This was due principally to depreciation in the value of the Taka against the Dollar and the high level of domestic inflation. However, with our constant drive to contain costs and effective profit optimization strategies, the negative impact of rising cost on profit has been kept to the practicable minimum. The Board of Directors has recommended 21% stock dividend for approval of the shareholders for the year ended 31 December, 2011. Technological Advancement Beximco Pharma has always been a pioneer in adopting innovative technologies. This brings both sophistication and the potential to sustain growth to our business. Over the past couple of years we have made considerable nvestments in facilities and processes to improve productivity, drive growth and achieve excellence in operations. Situated near Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, our manufacturing site extends over an area of 23 acres. The site houses manufacturing facilities for producing various drug formulae in different strengths and delivery systems such as capsules, tablets, intravenous fluids, metered dose inhalers, ophthalmic drops, injectables and nebulizer solutions. The site has its own utility infrastructure to ensure adequate generation and distribution of electricity with an installed capacity of 10 MW, in addition to water purifying and liquid nitrogen generation facilities.The bulk drug unit for producing paracetamol is also located within this site. The Company’s penicillin API and formulation u nits are situated at Kaliakoir, a few kms from the main site. The company has diversified into innovative delivery systems such as dry powder inhalers, total parenteral nutrition, prefilled syringes and lyophilized products. * Oral Solid Dosage * Metered Dose Inhaler * Intravenous Fluid * Inject able, Ophthalmic and Nebulizer * Liquid, Cream and Ointment Val EXTERNAL FACTORS These are the forces that act on the organization from outside. DIRECT FORCESThese are the forces that have direct and immediate influence on the organization. CUSTOMERSWe offer our customers a comprehensive and high-quality product portfolio encompassing all major therapeutic categories, available in various dosage forms including tablets, capsules, syrup, suspension, sterile eye drops, injectables, nasal sprays, creams, ointments, suppositories, IV fluids, metered dose inhalers, dry powder inhalers, prefilled syringes etc. Over the years, we have nurtured and developed a special bondage with the medical commun ity. We stand by healthcare providers and appreciate their valiant services to the community at large. COMPETITOTORS Square Pharma Reneta GlaxoSmith Klein’ ACI Limited Eskayef Bangladesh Limited The ACME Laboratories Limited EDCL Aristropharma Limited Orion Pharmaceuticals limited Indirect Forces * Political Analysis: Political analysis creates a great impact on business growth.The Beximco Pharmaceuticals is an established company, it gets many positive support of Bangladesh government, which enables it to advance its product. In addition it suffers many political unexpected conditions, like- political instability, and high risk investment, high rate of tax, high barriers of rules and regulation and so on. Because of strikes, obstruction and any other political issues, it noses a lot. But now they adopt with rules of exporting, producing, importing and so on. They use BCP (Business Continuation Plan) to fight against any critical political issues. [ Documentary,Newspaper] * E conomic Analysis: In economy, the biggest threat for â€Å" Beximco Pharmaceuticals† would be economic recession.During the recession, the Beximco’s growth will be adversely affected. Because of the high interest rate, inflation rate and economic downturn it’s growth is not just affected by the local economy but also in the international economy. * * Social Analysis:†Beximco Pharmaceuticals â€Å" has performed many social activities, to improve the company image. To reach the goal, the group implements the local job creation program as well as health and education program Corporate Social Responsibility: Our vision is to make significant contribution to humanity by improving health. This vision guides our Company’s operations, including its commitment to corporate responsibility.We work together with non-profit organizations who work to improve people's lives through research, information, and advocacy. As the Company writes its success story as a n emerging leader in the pharmaceutical industry, we also realize that responsibility towards all our stakeholders increases in tandem. We remain committed to being a good corporate citizen. Prevention is the best cure and the first step is to create awareness. Every year, we launch campaigns touching on different forms of heath impediments ranging from asthma, diabetes, hypertension and many more. Campaign activities include rallies in addition to organizing and sponsoring scientific seminars and conferences for various associations and societies in medical disciplines. ANNUAL REPORT CultureCulture is a very complex environmental influence, encompassing knowledge, beliefs, values, laws, morals, customs and other habits and capabilities an individual acquires as a member of society. As BEXIMCO is a global MNC, management must adapt its managerial practices to the specific and unique aspects of culture. Most of the time they follow formal ways to control the employees, and get their full potentiality. They also follow the profit oriented by doing more customer service and social responsibilities. SWOT ANALYSIS: Strength: Diversification The strength of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. lies in its diversified products and dosage forms.BPL has been producing solid products like tablets and capsules and liquid products like syrup, suspension and solution, as well as semisolid products like cream and ointment. It is   the pioneer company to manufacture and market nasal sprays, inhalation aerosols and suppositories in Bangladesh. In 2001, Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. stepped into a new path–bringing SmallVolume Parenteral(SVP) or injectable dosage form. Arixon is it’s first small volume injectable product It is a preparation of Ceftriaxone, which is considered as a breakthrough antibiotic in the history of medicine, . In 2002, Arixon is predicted to be one of our leading brands interms of sales revenue.The company has lot of diversified products like, Na pa: Neoceptin R: Neofloxin: Tycil : Aristovit M etc. Achivement of National Export Trophy First export market operation with finished pharmaceutical products1994-95 : Achievement of National Export Trophy (Gold) as the first pharmaceutical company of the country. R ; D B P L is a company that is continuously searching for the next treatment advancements. BPL’s portfolio features a range of high-quality, effective products. This product portfolio, combined with the steady stream of promising new products in development, is one of the many reasons BPL is among the nation's leading pharmaceutical companies. We have introduced 26 new products in 2001.Around 70 new products are in our development pipeline. They will obviously enrich our portfolio to employment of the employees so that they can cope with the rapidly changing business environment. Innovation is a major priority that we want to promote. Accordingly, training programs are regularly undertaken for the staff to seek opp ortunities for skills improvement. Weakness: Too many departments There are too many departments under the supervision of the gm which can cause low productivity due to large span of supervision. Diseconomy of scale: If the company exceeds the optimum size there would be diseconomies of sale. Availability of substitutes Availability of very close substitute goods.For example: medicine produced by other pharmaceutical companies Opportunities: Adding new products BPL always tried to add new products of different therapeutic classes in its portfolio and these products are highly appreciated by the health professionals. Most important of them are Triocim, Arixon, Prosan, Recox, Atova etc. Introduction of these new products enriched it’s product portfolio and is contributing to enhance it’s sales. Apart from all these, we have intensified and consolidated our marketing efforts another overseas markets, like Myanmar, Kenya, Yemen and Vietnam. To capitalize immense opportunit ies in these overseas markets, we are bringing in more new and exciting brands in these markets.Last year, BP donated one ‘Medical Information K i o s k’ to the Myanmar Medical Association of Mandalay which gained enormous attention and acceptance in the minds of the medical community of Mayanmar. In Kenya, number of salespeople has been increased to best exploit its huge market potentials. All these efforts are already bringing in desired results. Entering into new horizons and establishing new overseas markets will remain our top most priority in 2002 also. Russia, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Nepal will be on the list. We are confident that our process of globalization will continue with a more and more accelerated speed in the coming days. TechnologyTechnology carries the promise of tomorrow. The benefits of technology belong to all of us benefits that create new opportunities and open doors toa better life. For example, the new inhaler plant of BPL has been design in a way to ensure highest-possible quality at every stage of manufacturing and quality control. World-class facilities are being employed in each and every step including mixing, filling, testing, labeling, batch printing and other procedures to ensure manufacturing of world class products. Threats: Supply cost effective materiaals BPL has a commitment to the society to supply world class Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs).Therefore, BPL is not only engaged in formulations but also in fine chemicals business with a view to supplying cost effective quality materials to other local companies as well as for captive consumption. Competition Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. has been preparing itself for the post-WTO open market competition. It has all the courage to compete with world leaders in pharmaceuticals business when the tariff and non-tariff barriers will be withdrawn The new USFDA standard plant is planned to be operational in early 2003. Once completed, this will be one of the finest facilities available anywhere in the globe. OBJECTIVES Increase rate of purchase by existing customers by 10 percent by the year end. Strategy Such a strategy may involve devising a marketing plan to encourage customers to purchase more of a product.Tactics used to carry out the strategy could include price reductions, advertising stressing the many benefits of the product, packaging the product in different sized packages or making the product available at more locations. Design additional features into product that will induce new uses by existing buyers Strategy This strategy include much more than simply getting the product to the new market. Before considering sales techniques such as packaging and promotion. Company often find they must establish a foothold. MANAGEMENT ISSUES Centralization Centralization refers to the location of decision making authority in the hierarchy of the organization.The upper level managers in the organization make all the significant dec ision and managers at all levels can command their subordinates to undertake legitimate work related activities. The idea of centralization can be difficult to grasp in a particular organization for several reasons. People in the in an organization can have different decision making authority. Moreover, all decisions are not of equal importance in organization. Thus subjectively they do not have authority but objectively they have authority. Matrix Organization The matrix organization structure attempts to maximize the strengths and minimize the weakness of both functional and product bases.Matrix organization structure achieved the desired balance by superimposing or overlaying a horizontal structure of authority, influence and communication on the vertical structure. Matrix organization facilitates the utilization of highly specialized staff and equipment. CONCLUSION This is Beximco Pharmaceutical’s firm as a whole. I have discussed the mission, executive summary, organizat ional structure, situation analysis, swot analysis, objectives and management issues of the company. I have also given some important data regarding this company. I hope you can have the clear picture of Beximco Pharmaceuticals company at a glance. APPENDIX Appendix are given after this page

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Overview of Attachment Styles Essay

Overview of Attachment Styles Essay Overview of Attachment Styles Essay 1 Overview of Attachment Styles Mary Ainsworth and Mary Main (Disorganized) Based on Ainsworth’s â€Å"Strange Situation† Procedure (1970’s) The Strange Situation experiment revealed two general categories of infant attachment styles: 1) Secure attachment 2) Insecure attachment: o 2a) Avoidant attachment o 2b) Ambivalent attachment 2 o 2c) Disorganized attachment (this style was discovered later by researcher Mary Main) Secure Attachment - the 'Ideal' Attachment Behavior The child's attachment behavior when his or her: Mother is present: o The child demonstrates secure attachment by feeling safe enough to explore the world and engage in play. o The mother's proximity creates what is called 'secure base' - a space of security from which the child feels to free to explore the world. Mother leaves: o The child protests - e.g. by crying or trying to regain closeness. o The distress is not desperate as the child trusts his or her mother to return. Mother returns: o The child shows signs of being pleased or is quickly comforted if he or she is upset. o The child will soon re-enter 'secure base' and feel safe enough to play again. The child's behavior towards the stranger: The child will sometimes be comforted by the stranger but clearly prefers his or her mother. Mother's responsiveness: Responds quickly and consistently to her child's signals of wanting comfort and security. o The child feels confident that his or her mother will help ful fill any needs when they occur. Avoidant Attachment - Passive Attachment Behavior The child's behavior when his or her: Mother is present: o Little or no interest in playful interaction. o Prefers to play with object rather than people. o Seems emotionally distant from his or her mother. Mother leaves: o Hardly any sign of separation distress, indifference. Mother returns: o The child hardly displays any visible reaction, if any at all. o The child doesn't really respond to contact attempts. o The child may even try to avoid contact and ignore his or her mother. 3 The child's behavior towards the stranger: The child acts in the same way towards the stranger as towards the mother; there seems to be no preference. Sometimes the child shows preference to the stranger. Mother's responsiveness: Mostly disengaged; When the child is showing signs of distre ss, the mother shows little or no response. The mother often aims at making the child independent. o The child learns that his or her needs will probably not be met and therefore doesn't engage in typical attachment behavior such as crying or reaching out . As adults, this attachment style would be considered â€Å"dismissive.† (Hazan and Shaver, 1980’s) Ambivalent Attachment - Anxious Attachment Behavior The child's attachment behavior when his or her: Mother is present: o The child is uncomfortable and seems anxious in the unfamiliar setting. o The child is anxious as if anticipating separation even before it occurs. o The child doesn't feel secure even when his or her mother is present. o The child desires his or her mother's attention, comfort and proximity but rejects it angrily when it is achieved. Mother leaves: o The child is very distressed and protests strongly. Mother returns: o The child doesn't regain calmness and shows signs of anger towards the mother. o The child doesn't re-engage in play activities. The child's behavior towards stranger: The child is not easily comforted. Mother's responsiveness: Responses occur on the mother's terms ... in other words; when she feels like it. Her availability is therefore inconsistent; She

Monday, October 21, 2019

July 2007 Most Popular Articles

July 2007 Most Popular Articles July 2007 Most Popular Articles July 2007 Most Popular Articles By Daniel Scocco Five Frequently Misused Verbs: Go, Come, Write, Give, and Eat. Among the most frequently used words in English, these five verbs are also the most frequently misused. The error occurs when the simple past forms are used to form the present or past perfect Dialogue Dos and Don’ts: In the post Show, Don’t Tell, I mentioned dialogue as one of the ways you can â€Å"show† your reader what’s happening in a scene. Effective dialogue is an essential part of both fiction and creative nonfiction writing. How to Bypass Your Internal Editor: When you edit your first draft, you’ll have all sorts of ideas of what to change. But when you write your first draft, you want to turn off the â€Å"internal editor† in your mind, that super-ego that looks over your shoulder and criticizes everything you do. Editing is different from writing. Most people can’t successfully do both at the same time. And when you do your first draft, you need to focus on writing. Accept the Effect: These words give writers trouble since the two can be both a noun and a verb, although affect is typically verb and effect, noun. Normally, you will use affect to denote influence. The Impotence of Proofreading: Its a fact that a spell checker will not catch all the mistakes on your text. More specifically, it will not catch misspellings that form other valid words. So how do you solve this problem? Proofreading, of coarse! Less/Fewer; Number/Amount: Still Salvageable: The difference between less and fewer, like that between lay and lie, is on the brink of extinction, but enough careful speakers and writers observe the difference to make it worth our attention. Ready, Set, Write!: One of the biggest problems people have with writing is getting started. A blank page (or computer screen) can be intimidating, but prewriting is a great way to overcome that intimidation. Here are some prewriting activities to help get the words flowing out of your brain and onto the page. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:15 Terms for Those Who Tell the FutureExcited ABOUT, not "for" While vs. Whilst

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Strategies for Tracing the Women in Your Family Tree

Strategies for Tracing the Women in Your Family Tree The individual identities of women who lived prior to the twentieth century are often very tangled in those of their husbands, both by law and by custom. In many places, women were not allowed to own real estate in their name, to sign legal documents, or to participate in government. Men wrote the histories, paid the taxes, participated in the military and left wills. Men were also the ones whose surname was carried into the next generation by the children. As a result, female ancestors are often neglected in family histories and genealogies- listed with only a first name and approximate dates for birth and death. They are our invisible ancestors. This neglect, while understandable, is still inexcusable. Half of all of our ancestors were women. Each female in our family tree provides us with a new surname to research and an entire branch of new ancestors to discover. Women were the ones who bore the children, carried on family traditions, and ran the household. They were teachers, nurses, mothers, wives, neighbors and friends. They deserve to have their stories told - to be more than just a name on a family tree. Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Abigail Adams, March 1776 So how can you, as a genealogist, locate someone who is invisible? Tracing the female side of your family tree can be a bit difficult and frustrating, but is also one of the most rewarding challenges of genealogy research. By following a few basic research methods, with an added measure of patience and creativity, youll soon be learning about all of the women who passed their genes down to you. Just remember, dont give up! If your female ancestors had given up, you might not be here today. Generally, the single best place to locate a maiden name for a female ancestor is on her marriage record. Marriage information can be found in a variety of records including marriage banns, marriage licenses, marriage bonds, marriage certificates, marriage announcements and civil registration (vital) records. Marriage licenses are the least common form of marriage record to be found today because these were usually given to the couple being married and have been lost over time. The paperwork generated by the application for a marriage license has usually been preserved in church and public records, however, and may provide some clues as to your ancestors identity. Marriage registers and vital records are usually the most common and complete records of marriage. Marriage Records in the United States  Marriage records in the United States are usually found at the county and town clerks offices, but in some cases they are found in the records of churches, the military and in the state offices of vital records and boards of health. Find out which office holds the marriage records in the locality where the couple was living at the time of their marriage or, if they resided in different localities, in the brides county or town of residence. Look for all records of a marriage including marriage certificates, applications, licenses, and bonds. In some areas all documents generated by a marriage will be found combined into the same record, in others they will be listed in separate books with separate indexes. If youre researching African-American ancestors, some counties maintained separate marriage books for blacks and whites in the years following the Civil War. Marriage Records in Europe  In many European countries, church records are the most common sources for marriage records, though Civil Registration became the norm in the late 19th and 20th centuries. Civil marriages are often indexed on a national level, though it is very helpful if you know the province, region, parish, etc. in which the marriage took place. In the church, most couples were married by banns, rather than marriage licenses, mainly because licenses cost more than banns. Banns may be recorded in the marriage register or in a separate banns register. Marriage Records in Canada  Marriage records in Canada are primarily the responsibility of the individual provinces and most were recording marriages by the early 1900s. Earlier marriage records can usually be found in the church registers. Details Found in Marriage Records If you find a record of the marriage for your female ancestor, then be sure to take note of all pertinent information, including the names of the bride and groom, places of residence, ages, occupations, date of the marriage, the person who performed the marriage, witnesses, etc. Every little detail can lead to new information. Witnesses to a marriage, for example, are often related to the bride and groom. The name of the person who performed the marriage ceremony may help to identify a church, a lead to possible church records of the marriage, plus other church records for the family. The  surety, or person who put up money to guarantee that the marriage will take place, on many marriage bonds was a relative of the bride, usually a father or brother. If the couple was married at a residence, you may find a notation of the location. This could provide a valuable clue to the brides fathers name since young ladies often married at home. Women who remarried were often listed by their p revious married name rather than their maiden name. However, a maiden name can usually be ascertained from the fathers surname. Check Divorce Records Too Prior the the 20th century divorces were often difficult (and expensive) to obtain, especially for women. They can, however, sometimes provide clues to maiden names when no other sources exist. Look for divorce decrees in the court in charge of administering divorce decrees for the area in question. Even if your female ancestor never received a divorce, that doesnt mean she didnt file for one. It was fairly common in earlier years for a woman to be denied a divorce, despite claims of cruelty or adultery - but the paperwork from the filing may still be found among the records of the court. The cemetery may be the only place where you will find proof of the existence of a female ancestor. This is especially true if she died young and had little time to leave official records of her existence. Clues Among the Stones If you have found your female ancestor through a published cemetery transcription, then try to visit the cemetery yourself to view the tombstone. You may find family members buried in the same row, or in neighboring rows. This is especially true if she died within the first few years of her marriage. If your female ancestor died in childbirth, then her child is usually buried with her or next to her. Look for any surviving burial records, though their availability will vary widely by time and place. If the cemetery is associated with a church, then be sure to check the church burial and funeral records as well. Details Found in Cemetery Records While at the cemetery, make note of the exact spelling of your female ancestors name, the dates of her birth and death, and her spouses name, if listed. Be cautious, however, when jumping to conclusions based on this information as tombstone inscriptions are often incorrect. Also keep in mind that women married men of the same given name more frequently than you might think, so dont just assume that the name on her tombstone is not her maiden name. Continue looking for evidence in other sources. While census records will not usually provide you with the maiden name of your female ancestor, they should not be overlooked for the wealth of other information and clues that they provide about women and their lives. It may be difficult, however, to locate your female ancestor in earlier census records, unless she was divorced or widowed and listed as head of household. Beginning about the mid-1800s in most countries (e.g. 1850 in the U.S., 1841 in the U.K.), the search gets a little easier, as names are usually given for each individual in the household. Details Found in Census Records Once you locate your female ancestor in the census, be sure to copy the entire page on which she is listed. To be on the safe side you may even want to copy the page directly before and after hers as well. Neighbors may be relatives and you will want to keep an eye on them. Make a note of the names of your female ancestors children. Women often named their children after their mother, father, or favorite brothers sisters. If any of the children are listed with middle names, these may also provide an important clue, as women often passed down their family name to their children. Pay close attention to the people listed in the household with your ancestor, especially if they are listed with a different surname. She may have taken in a child of a deceased brother or sister, or may even have an aged or widowed parent staying with her. Also make a note of the occupation of your female ancestor, and whether she was listed as working outside of the home. Land records are some of the earliest available genealogical records in the United States. Land was important to people. Even when courthouses and other record repositories burned, many deeds were rerecorded because it was considered essential to keep track of who owned the land. Deed records are usually indexed for this same reason. A womans legal rights varied depending on whether she lived in an area governed by civil or common law. In countries and areas which practiced civil law, such as Louisiana, and most of Europe excluding the UK, a husband and wife were considered co-owners of community property, which was managed by the husband. A married woman could also manage and control her own separate property. In common law, which originated in England and was carried to its colonies, a woman had no legal rights in the marriage and her husband controlled everything, including property she herself brought to the marriage. Married women in areas under common law are difficult to find in early legal dealings, such as land transactions, as they were not allowed to engage in contracts without their husbands approval. Early deeds for married couples may only give you the name of the husband with either no mention of his wife, or only a first name. If your female ancestor was widowed or divorced, however, you may find her conducting her own land transactions. Womens Dower Rights When a couple sold land in the nineteenth century, the woman is often identified due to her right of dower. A  dower  was a portion of the husbands land that was allotted to his wife upon his death. In many areas this interest was one-third of the estate, and was usually only for the widows lifetime. The husband could not will this land away from his wife and, if he sold any property during his life, his wife had to sign a release of her dower interest. Once a widow inherited money, possessions, or property, she was allowed to manage them for herself. Clues to Look for in Land Records When you are examining deed indexes for your surnames, look for the Latin phrases et ux. (and wife) and et al. (and others). Examining deeds with these designations may provide the names of females, or names of siblings or children. This will often occur when land is divided upon someones death, and can lead you to a will or probate record. Another area to watch for is when a man or a couple sold land to your ancestors for a dollar, or some other small consideration. The ones selling the land (the grantors) are more than likely the parents or relatives of your female ancestor.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Should Capital Punishment Be Reintroduced In The United Kingdom Essay

Should Capital Punishment Be Reintroduced In The United Kingdom - Essay Example The Crime Disorder Act 1998 abolished the death penalty in the UK for serious crimes of treason, piracy and technically for murder. Section 36 of the Act replaced the capital punishment for treason and violent piracy acts as enshrined in the Piracy Act 1837, with a lighter sentence of a maximum life imprisonment. Despite the seemingly unrelated nature of the crimes to murder, the crimes were previously classified under the same category of most serious crimes in the country’s history. In light of this reasoning, a lesser sentence for piracy and treason should have the same effect on sentencing for murder cases.  The reform of sentencing for capital offenses in the United Kingdom since 1964 has been influenced by the growing need to preserve human rights from historical violations. In particular, the Human Rights Act 1998 outlaws any public institution from acting in a manner that principally contravenes the ECHR), unless the provisions of any other key statutory regulation h ave no alternative solution. The Act also requires courts of law and tribunals to consider any directions, verdicts or counsel of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), and to give their legal interpretation the widest of consideration in conforming to the Convention’s provisions on human rights. The Convention set up the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), which deliberates on appeal cases of murder from member states.  Any murder convict who believes his or her human rights have been trampled upon by a member state.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Influence of Information Literacy on Scholarship, Practice and Essay

The Influence of Information Literacy on Scholarship, Practice and Leadership - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that biased and false information are some of the components considered in determining the relevance of the information. Information literacy influences a number of fields especially the professional field for different reasons. Some of the uses of information literacy include research, determination of consumer choices, academic reasons. In addition to that, it helps in understanding the political arena. The effect of information literacy is such that over the decades, countries have introduced programs that ensure students are equipped with skills to not only operate in an information-rich society but also acquire and rightly apply that information. Different models have been designed to understand the ever-growing body of literature. A closer look at information literacy shows that it has an influence on scholarship, practice, and leadership. Scholarship refers to lifelong learning. This means that a person is constantly learning to improv e his or her skills in their area of specialty. On the other hand, practice refers to one’s behavioral patterns within their workplace. In other words, the practice not only looks at one’s technical skills but social skills in a work environment. Leadership explores one’s ability to have a positive influence in their academic, professional, and personal lives. Thus, information literacy analyzes one’s ability to recognize the need for information. This is critical for any leader as they are called upon to locate, evaluate, and apply the knowledge they have for the benefit of the society. Leadership greatly determines the success or failure of an institution. Time has proven that poor leadership only leads to an institution’s downfall.

Family In Later Life Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Family In Later Life Research Paper - Essay Example Widowhood in the later life leaves the surviving spouse to undergo a normal process from grief to acceptance; the challenges associated with widowhood are likely to open new opportunities for increasing and maintaining social relationships. Widows/Widowers and the Efforts of Overcoming Grief Widows are generally associated with â€Å"isolation, loss and vulnerability† (Walker, 1993, p. 34), especially the post feminism era. With the women almost completely dependent on men, widowhood seems to be the worst thing that can happen to a woman, especially in the presence of young children. However, the changing views of women’s roles in the contemporary society made widowhood less burdensome for the surviving spouse, but contemporary views do not spare widows in the process to acceptance. The first challenge for a widow is coping with grief, where older people are seen to cope better than their younger counterparts (Bryant, 2003). According to Balkwell (1981), there seems to have a reaction pattern following a spouse’s death where initially, surviving partners undergo â€Å"shock or bewilderment...and may refuse to believe that the spouse is dead† (p. 120). ... Bureau of Census (1993) indicated that 80% of women between the ages 65 and 75 are already widowed compared to 39% of widowers in the same age bracket (as cited in Bryant, 2003). The issue of sex or gender related to acceptance of death seems to receive contradictory comments from psychologist through the years. Kail and Cavanaugh (2008) stated that men generally have problems with social relationships after the death of the spouse. Moreover, they were seen to be â€Å"more vulnerable† than women because (1) they are the ones who would initiate dating, â€Å"which is awkward after being married;† (2) retirement and the loss of contact from workmates; (3) there are less widowers in whom they can relate to; and (4) they lack familiarity with the things women do such as house hold chores (Balkwell, 1989, p. 120). On the other hand, women are perceived to be more efficient in coping with widowhood, but it depends on the kind of coping mechanism she uses. Lopata (1973) label ed three types of widows: the modern woman, the lower class urbanite, and the social isolate (as cited in Chambers, 2005). Each of the three types possesses unique qualities in which Lopata (1973) based their names. The modern woman would have to be the most familiar, where the widow is generally passive but is â€Å"willing to re-engage.† Such characteristic is also evident for women who belong to the lower class urbanite only that they generally seek emotional counsel to family and friends, and not from outside peers such as at work. These qualities are the opposite to what â€Å"social isolates† have. As the term suggests, women belonging to this category do not engage with socialization and basically are withdrawn even to people whom they have closer connections (Chambers, 2005, pp. 27-28). In contrast

Business Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Business Accounting - Essay Example The project is acceptable as both methods show positive outcome in terms of payback period as well as PV of net inflow of the project. Risk is inherent in almost every business. This is more prominent in capital decision making as such decisions involve cost and benefit extending over a period of time. During this long period of time many thing get changed in an unexpected way and hence the risk of return is always there in capital budgeting decisions. The project under consideration carries a medium level of risk. At the same time it is given that the company’s estimate of future cash flows of 10% is too high. A higher discount rate means higher returns. The principal is that higher the risk higher is the returns. If the company considers the medium level of risk for investments under consideration, then this 10% rate calculated on an estimate of higher risk level require suitable adjustments. In other words the rate of discount has to be lowered to the accepted level of medium risk. The company should develop a risk adjusted discount rate. If the company considers the risk of the project equal to the risk of existing investments of the company, then the discount rate of average cost of capital should be considered for evaluating the project. When the risk of the project is greater than the risks of existing investments, then the discount rate used should be higher than average cost of the capital employed with the company. If the risk of the project is lower than risk of existing investments, the discount rate used to evaluate the project should be lower than the average cost of capital employed. In our case the company is expecting medium risk on the project, it is suggestible that average cost of the capital employed be considered as the discount rate to project future cash flows and then discount those cash flows at present value at that average rate of discount in order to compare with present value of net outflows. The calculated discount rate

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Individual Data Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Individual Data Memo - Essay Example This memo will go into detail on how to develop a marketing plan that would be reliable to use throughout the various platforms of media that will focus on a particular market segment in order to increase Kudler Fine Foods’ customer base. To determine the importance of demographic and psychographic information for a company, it would be necessary to conduct an environmental analysis with reference to the age, education, and disposable income of the people residing in Kudler Fine Foods' geographical area will be conducted. The information derived from the environmental analysis will serve as the starting point of a marketing strategy that focuses on a subculture of the population that have similar socioeconomic status (Hawkins, Mothersbaugh, & Best, 2007) to afford the quality of food Kudler Fine Foods offers. The importance of determining the demographics of the population of the target market can be best illustrated with our experience in Encinitas. While Kudler Fine Foods ha s achieved relative success in Encinitas, data found in their demographics shows that would be ill advised to open a location, or spend advertising money 30 miles south in the city of Chula Vista as what the data will show below. Encinitas (2010) Persons between the ages of 18 and 65: 38.8% (Appx.) Bachelor’s degree or higher: 54.3% Per capita income: $48,226 Chula Vista (2010) Persons between the ages of 18 and 65: 45.1% (Appx.) Bachelors degree or higher: 26.4% Per capita income: $24,646 ("Quick Facts", 2012). The above demographic data reveals that while Chula Vista has a larger population between the ages of 18-65, they are less educated and earn wages far below the median income of those living in Encinitas. This tells marketers that they have less disposable income to spend or afford the premium offerings and prices of Kudler Fine Foods line of products. In short, there may be more potential customer in Chula Vista but only few of them can actually afford our products. Psychographic Information This demographic data may be important but is insufficient for Kudler Fine Food to develop an IMC plan that will be effective in marketing our products across a multitude of media formats. To be able to develop an effective IMC, it would necessitate to determine their related lifestyles. This would require a psychographic analysis (in addition to demographic analysis) in regard to what Solomon calls the three variables of activities, interests, and opinions (AIO’s). â€Å"Thus, Kudler Fine Foods can â€Å"boil down† a person’s lifestyle by discovering how he spends his time, what he finds interesting and important, how he views himself and the world around him† (Solomon, 2009, p. 240), and identify a general lifestyle segmentation that Kudler Fine Foods can target accordingly. Psychographic analysis of the market can be done through Kudler Fine Foods’ website where it can conduct direct surveys of current and potential cus tomers for comparison to determine their AIO’s. For example, Kudler's marketers can ask on a scale of one to five, how important are sporting events to you, (activities); how important is your family’s health, (interests); the quality of a product is more important than its price, (opinions). This will allow Kudler Fine Foods to narrow geographic areas and be able to